Welcome to the home page for the 2015 Roosevelt Elementary Spring 2015 Invitational tournament hosted by Roosevelt Elementary on May 12, 2015 for Elementary School students.

Status: Tournament Completed

<p><strong>ROOSEVELT ELEMENTARY -- 3rd - 5th grade. &nbsp;(Precocious 2nd graders ok in speech events)</strong></p> <h3><strong>Important Facts!</strong></h3> <p>Fees are $10 for 1 person events, $15 for 2 person.</p> <p><strong>SPAR TOPICS will take one of the two following forms.&nbsp;</strong></p> <p>1.&nbsp; X is Y&#39;er than Z. &nbsp;</p> <p>example: &nbsp;Summer is better than winter.</p> <p>2.&nbsp; X should do Y under Z conditions.</p> <p>example: &nbsp;Schools should issue a free hat to each student with thin hair or a very short haircut.</p> <p><strong>There will NOT&nbsp;be any &quot;serious&quot; SPAR topics.</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;The idea of SPAR is to play with basic ideas in a complicated way; to learn and enjoy the cognitive habits of flow debate, either before you can understand the topic literature of flow debate, or just for kicks*. &nbsp;</p> <p>*(When I was in high school, I debated Policy debate.&nbsp; And SPAR.&nbsp; I kinda liked SPAR better to be honest, and was successful at both.)</p> <p>PF Resolution: &nbsp;<s>On balance, economic globalization benefits worldwide poverty reduction. &nbsp;</s>&nbsp;<strong>NOTICE _ TOPIC CHANGE!!!!</strong></p> <p>THIS TOPIC YES: &nbsp;<strong>Commiting ground troops to combat ISIL is in the best interests of the US</strong>.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>SPAR Timings:</p> <p><strong>-- judge reads topic aloud, debaters write it down.</strong></p> <p><strong>-- coin flip.&nbsp; Winner chooses aff or neg.&nbsp;Aff always goes first. &nbsp;</strong></p> <p><strong>-- &nbsp;2 minutes prep.</strong></p> <p><strong>-- AC = 2 minutes</strong></p> <p><strong>-- NXA = 2 minutes</strong></p> <p><strong>-- NC = 2 minutes</strong></p> <p><strong>AXN = 2 minutes</strong></p> <p><strong>PREP = 1 minutes</strong></p> <p><strong>AR = 2 minutes</strong></p> <p><strong>NR = 2 minutes</strong></p> <p><strong>Crossfire = 2 minutes</strong></p> <p><strong>AF = 1 minute</strong></p> <p><strong>NF = 1 minute</strong></p> <p><strong>--------------</strong></p> <p><strong>No disclosure, no oral critiques.&nbsp; We can get in 6 SPAR rounds if we are efficient.</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h3><strong>Elementary PF Notes:</strong></h3> <p>Note 1: &nbsp;Aff always goes first - <s>no coin flip. &nbsp;</s>&nbsp;COIN FLIP WINNER CHOOSES AFF or NEG. &nbsp;edited 5/5/2015</p> <p>Note 2: &nbsp;Scheduled and shared prep. &nbsp;2&nbsp;minute prep time is afforded both teams before the first rebuttal, and 1 minute each before the first&nbsp;summary, and first final focus speeches.</p> <p>Note 3: &nbsp;<strong>ABSOLUTELY NO DISCLOSURE!</strong></p> <p>I love disclosure as much as the next coach.&nbsp; But this is elementary.&nbsp; Let&#39;s all please, please try to NOT make the little children cry.&nbsp; It&#39;s insufficient that we don&#39;t try to make them cry.&nbsp; We must actively reduce the likelihood.&nbsp; Crying children are unhappy children are unhappy parents are unhappy coaches are... etc.</p> <h3><strong>Elementary PF Round Structure:</strong></h3> <p>Aff constructive: 3 minutes</p> <p>Neg constructive: 3 minutes</p> <p>Crossfire between first speakers: 2 minutes</p> <p>Prep: 2 minutes</p> <p>Aff rebuttal: 3 minutes</p> <p>Neg rebuttal: 3 minutes</p> <p>Crossfire between second speakers: 2 minutes</p> <p>Prep: 1 minute</p> <p>Aff summary: 2 minutes</p> <p>Neg summary: 2 minutes</p> <p>Grand cross: 3 minutes</p> <p>Prep: 1 minute</p> <p>Aff final focus: 2 minutes</p> <p>Neg final focus: 2 minutes</p> <p>______________________</p> <p>Total: &nbsp;31 minutes</p>