Welcome to the home page for the 2014 IDEA-XAUAT DEBATE TOURNAMENT tournament hosted by Xian University of Architecture and Tech on Oct 24-26, 2014 for College students.

Status: Tournament Completed

<p><strong>IDEA-XAUAT DEBATE </strong><strong>TOURNAMENT INFORMATION</strong></p> <p><strong>Xi&#39;an University of Architecture and Technology</strong></p> <p><strong>October 24-26, 2014</strong></p> <p><strong>IDEA-XAUAT</strong><strong>辩论赛事信息</strong></p> <p><strong>西安建筑科技大学</strong></p> <p><strong>2014</strong><strong>年</strong><strong>10</strong><strong>月</strong><strong>24</strong><strong>日</strong><strong>-26</strong><strong>日</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>ENTRY DEADLINE</strong><strong> AND CAP</strong></p> <p>Registration starts at 8:00 a.m. on September 28, 2014. Please complete entries via web registration (http://www.forensicstournament.net) no later than 9:00 p.m. on October 18, 2014. Please report entry changes as soon as possible. It will <strong>not</strong> be possible to <strong>add</strong> any entries after the 9:00 p.m. deadline on October 18, 2014. Contact Tournament Director Pei Lei via email <a name=\"OLE_LINK2\"></a><a name=\"OLE_LINK1\"></a><a href=\"mailto:sarahpei7@gmail.com\">sarahpei7@gmail.com</a> with any questions about registration. There are two divisions in this tournament, the English and the Mandarin. Make sure to register in the correct division. The tournament cap is 100 teams, with 60 teams in the English division and 40 in the Mandarin. The team cap for each school is FOUR, with no division limits (i.e. if a school wants to enter four teams, all four teams can go to the English division or all four to the Mandarin, or two teams in the English and the other two in the Mandarin, or three in English and one in Mandarin, or whatever ways that follow the school team cap rule of FOUR). If less than 8 Mandarin teams register until October 15, the mandarin division might be cancelled for the reason of lacking competing teams. &nbsp;</p> <p><strong>注册时间及名额上限</strong></p> <p>2014年9月28日起即可进行网上注册。请各参赛院校于2014年10月18日晚21:00前完成网上注册(http://www.forensicstournament. net)。2014年10月18日晚21:00后一律不再接受任何形式的注册信息更改。关于注册若有不明确之处,请联系大赛主管裴蕾(邮件:<a href=\"mailto:sarahpei7@gmail.com\">sarahpei7@gmail.com</a>)。本次比赛设英文组和中文组。注册时请确认注册到相应的组内。比赛共接收100支参赛队,其中60支在英文组,40支在中文组。每校限报4支队,不限组别(也即,如果某校欲报4支队,可以使4队全部参加英文组,也可以全部参加中文组,也可以2-2或3-1分配至两个组别,只要该校所有的参赛队伍数不超过4支即可)。若截止10月15日晚,中文注册队少于8支,因缺少参赛队原因,中文组比赛将被取消。</p>
