Welcome to the home page for the 2015 Golden Cowboy Day 1 tournament hosted by Glendale Community College on Feb 7, 2015 for College students.

Status: Tournament Completed

<p>Please note that we have recently added public forum to the schedule. &nbsp;There will be one division that&nbsp;follows the Parli schedule; three rounds on Saturday at GCC and the remaining prelim and all outrounds will be at Cal State LA on Sunday. &nbsp;It should be noted that while some tournaments restrict the amount of evidence available to students, we do not. &nbsp;For folks who may not be familiar with the rules of Public Forum, we will follow the Pi Kappa Delta format and rules. &nbsp;Those are available here:<br /> <a href=\"http://www.pikappadelta.com/docs/What_is_PF__Brochure.pdf\">http://www.pikappadelta.com/docs/What_is_PF__Brochure.pdf</a><br /> <br /> The topic for Public Forum will be the same one used for the Pi Kappa Delta national tournament:<br /> Resolved: The limitations on civil liberties in the Patriot Act are no longer necessary.</p>


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