Welcome to the home page for the 2016 Dale Carnegie Swing tournament hosted by University of Central Missouri on Oct 16, 2016 for College students.

Status: Tournament Completed

<p>Welcome to the home page for the 2016 Dale Carnegie Swing tournament hosted by University of Central Missouri (MO) on Oct 18, 2015 for College students. Welcome to the second half of the Missouri Mule / Dale Carnegie Swing Tournament! The coaching staff and competitors of the &quot;Talking Mules&quot; Speech &amp; Debate Team are excited to host you and your team! The Carnegie Swing offers outstanding competition in all 11 AFA-NIET individual events and Open and Novice Divisions of NFA-LD. Remember to compete in both halves of the swing, you MUST enter both tournaments on this website. Separate fees are collected for the Carnegie Swing. Remember, also to make checks payable to: UCMO Forensics.</p>


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