Welcome to the home page for the 2015 Dale Carnegie Swing tournament hosted by University of Central Missouri on Oct 18, 2015 for College students.

Status: Tournament Completed

<p>Welcome to the second half of the Missouri Mule / Dale Carnegie Swing Tournament!</p> <p>The coaching staff and competitors of the &quot;Talking Mules&quot; Speech &amp; Debate Team are excited to host you and your team!</p> <p>The Carnegie Swing offers outstanding competition in all 11 AFA-NIET individual events and Open and Novice Divisions of NFA-LD.</p> <p>Remember to compete in both halves of the swing, you <strong>MUST</strong> enter both tournaments on this website. Separate fees are collected for the Carnegie Swing.</p> <p>Remember, also to make checks payable to: <strong>UCMO Forensics.</strong></p>


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